Friday, July 1, 2011

My Need For Guidance

As a person that has come to accept my need and reliance on the guidance that others provide to me, I can say that I am truly free. Free because I have faith and hope in the guidance that is being provided.

Acts 8:26-40

(Small excerpt)
… “Do you understand what you are reading?” He replied, “How can I, unless someone instructs me?” So he invited Philip to get in and sit with him…

As I usually read this passage, I see myself as the mentioned Ethiopian eunuch who reads the scriptures and knows that there is more meaning on the page that is being read from than he can ever come to understand without someone teaching him and explaining to him what the scripture passage means.

I, like the Ethiopian man, have the ability to read a certain passage in the scriptures and give it understanding from my own life experiences and from what I have been fortunate to study and learn about, but my own knowledge does not tell me what the passage was originally meant to convey. I’m sure the eunuch too was able to get something good out of passages, as he related them to his life experiences since that is all he knew how to do before he sat with Philip, but how much more did he want to understand about what he was reading? How much more did the eunuch appreciate the scripture after he learned the purpose of the scripture he had read and how it related to something much greater than he?

Philip was the person chosen to guide this Ethiopian man. Philip was the perfect person to teach the Ethiopian because not only had he been taught and been approved of by the apostles, through the laying of the hands, but was also commissioned by God, through an angel, to go instruct this man. I, being able to see, that Philip was the person guiding the Ethiopian to a better understanding of the scriptural passage, ask myself, who is available for us today? Can we expect to have such a person or people to help me or you to better understand the meaning of scripture?

I am here to suggest that the answers to these questions are an absolute YES!!! There are people who we can count on to help explain the scriptures to us. The same reason that the Ethiopian was able to rejoice after being with Philip is the same reason I rejoice to have people who through time have been appointed by the laying of the hands to preach, teach and bring people like you and I to a better understanding of scripture and the gospel. The people I speak of are the successors to the apostles. The successors are here to bring scripture to life and to allow me to rejoice in the scriptures that have greater meaning than what my experiences can offer. I feel absolute freedom in knowing that I don’t have to depend on my own interpretation of scripture but instead can like the Ethiopian man depend on someone more equipped to teach me what the true meaning of scripture is. 

Yes, I have come to accept my reliance on the guidance that the successors of the apostles provide to me. And because of this I am able to rejoice in my faith and my hope that is in my Lord and my God through the Holy Spirit.

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